Mommy Moment - 2004
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Right from the beginning I knew that baby #2 was not going to have an easy life. At two weeks old I had decided to get out of the house and take our 3 yr old to the park… mommy needed out of the house. It was a beautiful day, my first try at taking two kids out in public. It was OK but I felt so pulled apart… 3 year old wanted all the attention because that’s what he was used to. I had to keep helping him down the slide which meant I was abandoning my two week old infant who was lying on a blanket… I would have never left my first child unattended at two weeks old. Now, I was maybe two feet from him (probably less) but I felt like someone could grab him and run away and being in my post-pregnancy state I felt tubby and knew I wouldn’t be able to tackle whichever NFL player was lurking behind the play structure. It was awful. Then the 3 year old needed to go potty… rush, rush, rush. This was exciting because he had just decided to not wear diapers anymore because only babies wear diapers… thank goodness we had a baby or he might still be in diapers and using a pacifier!
Anyways, I put the baby in the car seat thing, gathered all of our stuff in a hurry (for the first outing I was prepared for rain, sleet and snow and two weeks without access to a grocery store… it took me a minute). We trotted over to the bathrooms. Baby decides he needs held while we’re in the gross bathroom… I don’t want to put anything on the floor but I do. Oh man, I would never have done that with one child. Did you know it’s physically impossible to pull up your pants and button them without the use of two hands? It is. One time I actually put our first child between my legs and held him their while I buttoned my pants just so I wouldn’t have to put him on the floor. Now I see they have cute little seats in the bathrooms so mommies can buckle their baby into a safe little space… I totally missed my get-rich idea on that one! Anyways, I digress… are you still reading this? Stay with me here… I’m getting to my point…
In the bathroom back at the park 3 year old is done, but needs help with the toilet paper and his pants. So I have to put fussy baby down into the car seat which is now totally contaminated because it’s been sitting on the floor for 5 minutes. All I want to do it get out of there. I’ve wiped 3 year old, we’ve washed hands and I just want out. So I grab my poor baby who’s in the contaminated car seat and all the other equipment and we head out. Three steps out of the bathroom and I feel the car seat handle shift. What the? The car seat just ejected my two week old baby out onto the grass! Are you kidding me? Now I have a screaming baby who has every right to be upset, dirty hands, well - dirty everything. Plus my 3 year old is running towards the slide and the NFL tackler dude that I’m going to have to take down with my bare hands if he looks cross eyed at my kids although I haven’t actually confirmed his existence but don’t be fooled, I can sense him. I decided it was time to go home.
All I wanted to do was go outside.
I hope you’ve enjoyed a glimpse into some of my fondest mommy memories, Happy New Year!
Knitting and Sewing Projects for Christmas
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Trip to the North Pole
Angel Alert Christmas Production at Church
Merry Christmas
Justus chopped down the tree today with the hatchet he bought with his money last month during our North Pole trip. Then he vacuumed all the pine needles. I'll post a couple of photo's below.
Jordan and the candy bar
Thursday, December 3, 2009
She can sew - who knew!
Yep, I can sew too. Thanks to my mother and Ms. Pratt in the 8th grade I was able to sew this 'Inn keepers' costume for the Christmas Play at Justus' school. I'm pretty proud of it. Only took 2 nights, and I still have all 10 fingers. I couldn't figure out how to show it in the picture but I also made a head cover, a belt and a tie thing to hold on the head cover... ok the belt and tie thingy are just two of the scraps left over but they count for creativity points - right?
I've been knitting!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Rather than giving you an update to span across the past 9 months of time let's just say I've been busy. Torn ligaments in my ankle while at Disneyland, a few business trips and boom, it's the holidays! I did manage to squeeze in some knitting. Here are my first two pairs of socks. They aren't perfect, but they are all mine and I love them. I'm currently working on a small bag/purse for a friend. Hoping to finish it this week.
Leo the Lion
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Introducing Leo the Lion, our 7 week old kitten! The boys love him; Steve tolerates him and he keeps me entertained during the work day. There are times he's so entertaining I have to close him out of my office. He really enjoys walking across my keyboard... hmmm.
He also enjoys sitting on my shoulders and taking naps in my jacket. He's already mastered crawling from the bottom of my pant leg to my shoulders. He's a great cat. Fully potty trained. My kind of man!
Dinner Party
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Finished Projects!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Longest Valentine's Day Ever!
Monday, February 16, 2009
February Junior Bible Quiz Meet
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Yesterday Justus and I traveled to the Seattle area for a Junior Bible Quiz competition. The teams are much tougher this year. Being able to buzz in quick enough to answer a question is actually pretty impressive in and of itself. He was in competition with approximately 50 kids. He earned enough points over the course of the day to fall into the 25th spot. I am very proud of him.
A Quiz Bee was held afterwards which is very similar to a spelling bee. They read a question and the child gives the answer. If they do not give the answer they are out. They started with about 50 kids. Justus made it through until he was the 13th child left. The top 10 kids earned a trophy. It was a very big accomplishment for him - he had such a big smile on his face! Even when it was his turn to sit out. He knew he had done well. One of his team mates actually made it into the top 10 - that was very exciting!
Today we had an Ice Skating party to celebrate the teams efforts over the past 4 weeks. They spend several hours studying in prerparation for these meets. I didn't get a picture of us today but this is one from a previous skating experience with the boys. Can I just mention that taking a 4 yr old child who weighs approximately 60 pounds ice skating should not be repeated; Back pain!
Two Play Dates for the Price of One
Sunday, February 1, 2009
February's Menu Plan
I have completed the menu plans for February. I've attached a picture below and believe you can click on it to view in a seperate, larger window (pretty proud of figuring that out BTW). If you're interested in any of the recipes just let me know. I'll probably post some of our favorites during the month.
Our First Wenatchee Wild Hockey Game
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pictures - Hooray!
Photo's to be posted shortly.
Menu Planning
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
When creating the plan I flipped through my 2008 Quick Cooking cookbook. My wonderful grandparents have purchased an annual subscription for me for several years. I love this book! I belive you can click on the picture to view a larger image.
I'm still here
Monday, January 5, 2009
On another note I've really been trying to come up with a meal plan for our family. Something that functions for us. I was inspired by Kerry's blog, a fellow FlyLady. Check it out if you're interested;
I'll post our meal plan once it's completed. I'd say I'm more than 50% done for the entire month of January - hooray! I was so desperate at one point I had signed up to pay $50+ dollars for a year of automated menu planning through a website - it was approved of by Oprah so it had to be good, right? Then my senses where knocked into me (that's a nice way of say, "My husband found out.") Tee Hee!